Alhambra High Creates Educational Materials to Communicate to San Pablo


On November 16, 2017 Alhambra High Earth Team met to find discuss solutions to the litter problem on Rumrill Blvd.  The team brainstormed ideas for outreach and determined that they should have some kind of brochure or flyer to pass out when they are conducting their assessments.  They considered the fact that they are often stopped by pedestrians who are curious about their work, and that having some material to pass out to supplement their conversation would be helpful in spreading the word about the litter problem in San Pablo.


Below is a reflection from one of the Alhambra interns about the day:


Written by Jaida Chellew

Making flyers and pamphlets for Earth Team was not only a fun experience in which the members got to use their creativity, but also a great learning experience that helped better my understanding of the goals that Earth Team is working to achieve with this year’s project on Rumrill. My partner and I had the task of making a flyer discussing the most common waste that we have come across and what effects it has on the environment. My partner, Dalvir, and I made a flyer based on information we researched and statistics around the amount of cigarette waste in America every year. We included some images of Earth Team at different locations in Rumrill and projects we have worked on. I am excited to pass our flyers out to the community in hopes of easing knowledge into the minds of the residents and helping people understand how they affect the environment around them.   




Posted in WAP

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